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WI Mendlesham

WI logoThe National Federation of Women's Institutes was formed in 1915 and Mendlesham's WI was founded in 1926. We are affiliated to the Suffolk East Federation.

The aim of the  WI is to provide women with friendship, the opportunity to learn new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their community.

We have several craft workshops during the year to encourage the development of new skills. Our Grow Cook and Sew show in August is a testament to this.

We support the community whenever possible by continuing to plant in the Millennium wood.  We meet on the first Wednesday morning each month to "Knit Stitch and Yarn". This has proved to be very popular.  

With a variety of good speakers, the odd quiz and poetry readings our meetings are happy affairs. We meet on the third Tuesday of each month (second Tuesday in December) in the Chapel and commence at 7.30. Visitors are always welcome, so come along and see that we are not all "Jam and Jerusalem".

Contact: Anita Scruby:  01449766902

National Federation of Women’s Institute Website: www.womens-institute.org.uk

Suffolk East Federation of Women’s Institute Website: www.sefwi.org.uk