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Mendlesham Woodland

Mendlesham Parish Council purchased this 12.5 acre site in 2000 with the aim of creating a wild woodland with meadowland to provide a haven for wildlife and a leisure amenity for the local community. It is managed by the Parish Council with the invaluable help of a team of local volunteers.

  • The area is open to the public and used on a daily basis.
  • Thousands of new trees have been planted including fruit ( apple,pear and plum), nut (Hazel, Walnut,Sweet Chestnut) and native (Oak,Ash, Wild Cherry,Hornbeam,Field Maple,Holly, Guelder,Small Leafed Lime, Spindle,Wayfarer and Dogwood).
  • One of our volunteers has been able to grow Snakeshead Fritillary from seed and establish a new location for the species.