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Neighbourhood Plan

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What will the Parish of Mendlesham be like 2037?

One thing is certain. Since Mendlesham has been identified as a key village for growth, there will be changes.

In 2017, Neighbourhood Plans were new to the planning process.  

Mendlesham Parish Council, supported by the community, decided to initiate a project to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan. It was agreed that if we did nothing, planning applications would continue to be decided by Mid Suffolk District Council, in line with national and local planning policy. Alternatively, we could influence how and where this growth happens by developing and adopting our own Neighbourhood Plan. This was a new approach which for the first time allowed local people to have a real say in how their community develops. Mid Suffolk District Council in their capacity as the planning authority are legally bound to take this plan into account when considering planning applications.

These are some of the things a Neighbourhood Plan can consider:

  • Is there an appropriate mix of affordable and market housing?
  • What can be done to sustain local services such as shops, schools and transport links?
  • Is there enough suitable housing to allow older people to downsize and still stay in the parish?
  • Are there enough community facilities - playgrounds, green spaces, community buildings?
  • What should new buildings look like?
  • Can the existing infrastructure such as roads and parking places cope? If not what needs to happen?
  • Should we encourage more employment opportunities in or close to the village? Do we need small business units or better communications to allow home working?
  • How should we preserve the rural, environmental and historic areas of the Parish?

Our first plan was adopted in March 2017, our Modified Plan to replace the first Plan was adopted November 2022. 

We've put together this video to give you some more information. Please note our  email contact addresses have since changed to parishclerk@mendleshampc.org and this web site.